The Halogeometricum borinquense Genome



Gene HBOR1729 in replicon chromosome

Number of genes in this neighborhood: genes
Gene ID Name Size (bp) Annotation
17260Hbor_17260744hypothetical protein
17270Hbor_17270300hypothetical protein
17280Hbor_172801050isopropylmalate/homocitrate/citramalatesynthase( EC: )
17290Hbor_17290108hypothetical protein
17300Hbor_173001749acetolactate synthase, large subunit( EC: )
17310Hbor_17310681acetolactate synthase, small subunit( EC: )
17320Hbor_173201044ketol-acid reductoisomerase( EC: )
gene map
Display Sequences bases per line Show top strand only
Numbering sequence: No Relative Absolute