The Halogeometricum borinquense Genome



Gene HBOR2999 in replicon pHB500

Number of genes in this neighborhood: genes
Gene ID Name Size (bp) Annotation
29960Hbor_299601341poly(R)-hydroxyalkanoic acid synthase, class III, PhaC subunit( EC:2.3.1.- )
29970Hbor_29970492hypothetical protein
29980Hbor_29980666acyl dehydratase
29990Hbor_29990171hypothetical protein
30000Hbor_30000459predicted nucleic-acid-binding protein containing a Zn-ribbon
30010Hbor_300101158acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase( EC:,EC: )
30020Hbor_300207443-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase( EC: )
gene map
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Numbering sequence: No Relative Absolute