The Halogeometricum borinquense Genome



Gene HBOR3101 in replicon pHB500

Number of genes in this neighborhood: genes
Gene ID Name Size (bp) Annotation
30980Hbor_309801152carbohydrate ABC transporter ATP-binding protein, CUT1 family
30990Hbor_30990696hypothetical protein
31000Hbor_31000807hypothetical protein
31010Hbor_31010918hypothetical protein
31020Hbor_310201233ferrichrome-binding protein
31030Hbor_310301023HEAT repeat protein
31040Hbor_310401197ORC complex protein Cdc6/Orc1
gene map
Display Sequences bases per line Show top strand only
Numbering sequence: No Relative Absolute