The Halogeometricum borinquense Genome



Gene HBOR3360 in replicon pHB400

Number of genes in this neighborhood: genes
Gene ID Name Size (bp) Annotation
33570Hbor_3357014193-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase( EC: )
33580Hbor_335801173acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase( EC:,EC: )
33590Hbor_335901191ferrichrome-binding protein
33600Hbor_33600930hypothetical protein
33610Hbor_336102220beta-glucosidase-like glycosyl hydrolase( EC: )
33620Hbor_33620744transcriptional regulator
33630Hbor_33630711K+ transport system, NAD-binding component
gene map
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Numbering sequence: No Relative Absolute