Gene VNG2504 in replicon chromosome
- More about this gene
- Blast DNA databases using NCBI Blast
- Blast protein databases using NCBI Blast
- KEGG Enzyme
- KEGG Gene
- Get protein data of this gene from GenBank
- See protein structure at GTOP
- Protein interactions at STRING
- Get HOG data of this gene from local HOG database: cHOG160
- Get COG data from NCBI's COG database: COG0016
- Get BUD data for this gene from our local BUD database: BUD0160
- Retrieve flanking sequence
Gene ID | Name | Size (bp) | Annotation |
2499 | gcdH | 1011 | glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase |
2501 | vng2501 | 693 | no entry |
2502 | vng2502 | 1179 | no entry |
2504 | pheS | 1506 | phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit alpha |
2505 | pheY | 1701 | phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase subunit beta |
2507 | pyrD | 1047 | dihydroorotate dehydrogenase |
2508 | nhp | 309 | nonhistone chromosomal protein homolog |